NutriGuide for Lifestyle Management

Do you know

At Nutriguide, we counsel, mentor and guide you on prevention & reversal of lifestyle diseases through ‘Right’ Food & Holistic Nutrition, the ‘Right’ way. Away from pills, marketing gimmicks, surgery or supplements.



Weight Loss

If losing weight only necessitated eating less and exercising more, you would have done it already. Losing weight the ‘Right’ way is a change for a lifetime, a change in your lifestyle. It’s about discovering the joy you feel when you nourish yourself in the right way. Because only when you discover that joy, you can achieve your goal. Otherwise, it’s a punishment.

Weight Gain

Well! Gaining weight is not so simple either. Eating a lot and packing on loads of excess fat…that’s not we are here to do. At Nutriguide we provide the tools so you can eat just enough calories to put on muscle, but not so much that you will put on a lot of excess fat.

Diabetes Reversal

From pre-diabetes to diabetes, from one medicine to two to three & then finally large doses of insulin. That, in a nutshell, is the life of a diabetic. Whereas Type II diabetes is almost always reversible, only the right diet & lifestyle changes will reverse it. We at Nutriguide will help reduce your dependence on medication by making the right dietary and lifestyle choices.


Heart Disease & Hypertension Reversal

Since long, studies have shown that cardiac plaque can be reversed, and cholesterol lowered – without drugs or surgery. Making the right dietary and lifestyle changes allow many sufferers of coronary heart disease, high cholesterol or high blood pressure to significantly reduce or even eliminate their dependence on medications. Even avoid invasive surgical procedures.


Do you often feel lethargic, gassy or experience frequent acidity attacks?
We help you create a better body that is high on energy and free from lifestyle disorders by planning your Nourishment. Considering your schedule, lifestyle, dietary preferences. Empowering you to make sustainable lifestyle changes that promote positive health and wellbeing.


We also provide Nutrition Plan for disorders like thyroid, elevated uric acid levels, gout or arthritis. Contact us for more details.


So are you ready for an altered life
– the life you dream about?

We are surrounded by too many diets, too many experts and too much information. Leading to people who follow tough, restrictive diets, deprive their body and their heart, go through hell at the gym and STILL can’t achieve their goal. It’s not because they aren’t trying hard enough. It’s because they aren’t trying the right way. Because they don’t have the RIGHT information.


Are YOU ready for something different – sustainable and real, lasting change? Are YOU ready for no deprivation and no guilt? If so, you are at the ‘right place.

When you eat the ‘right’ food your body works for you. Your metabolism gets better; hunger and cravings subside and weight loss happens automatically — without restriction and without deprivation.

We check your history with a tooth-comb for any possible imbalances, deficiencies, and more. Coz if even one of these is off balance, it could keep you from reaching your goal!

That’s why we offer comprehensive and customized support. So you can stop second-guessing yourself — and KNOW that you are on the right path!